
Charles Andrew Solomon

I am currently 19 years old, was born on the month of January at the year and date of 23, 2002. I have particular taste of music like classis music or in general, just a music you can easily vibe to. My parents are both working right now at their own businesses. I am the first born on our family, I have two younger girl siblings. My favorite genre for a movie is a horror, drama and romance. And I know I said I love watching horror movies however I am the type of person that can easily get scared.

I started studying at Wesleyan University – Philippines at Grade 11 until Grade 12. And now, I am still studying at Wesleyan University – Philippines and is currently on the department of College of Engineering and Computer (CECT) taking on the course, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(BSIT).

At the future I can visualize myself as somebody who have succeeded and successful on being a programmer.

Click here to follow or view my Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/ndrewcon

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