Operating System

This is a software program that acts as a bridge between other programs and hardware on a computer or mobile device. The desktop operating system handles basic functions such as detecting keyboard input, transferring output to the display, managing files and directories on storage drives, and controlling peripheral devices (such as printers). Many complex activities, such as multitasking, multi-user management, multiprocessing, and multithreading, can be supported by the operating system on a larger machine.

The majority of gadgets come pre-installed with an operating system. As a result, the operating system on a device is determined by the hardware vendor. Typically, a desktop or laptop computer will run one of the following operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows accounts for the majority of operating systems in use today. Microsoft distributes Windows throughout its Surface range of devices and licenses the software to nearly all PC makers, including Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus, and Acer.
  • macOS is the operating system that is only available on Apple devices. Apple, known for its closed architectural designs, created macOS to operate solely on its Mac laptops and desktops.
  • Linux is a free and open source operating system that runs on a variety of hardware platforms. The Linux operating system family was created in the 1990s as a fork of the commercial UNIX operating system.

Most mobile devices, from smartphones to tablets to smartwatches, have specific operating systems that offer specialized features. These are:

  • Apple has created distinct operating systems for each of its mobile devices: iOS for the iPhone, iPadOS, and watchOS. Along with macOS, each of these operating systems makes use of iCloud to provide a unified user experience across devices.
  • Microsoft, which introduced tablet compatibility in its Windows 10 release in 2015.
  • Google, whose Android operating system controls the tablet and smartphone markets. Amazon’s Fire tablets use a modified version of Android software dubbed Fire OS, which retains most of the basic functionality while emphasizing Amazon services such as Prime Video, Amazon Music, Kindle, and Audible.
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